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Head Office
Ras Al Khor Industrial Area 3 – Dubai – United Arab Emirates.
RAQAMAK is a leading advertising platform for buying and selling premium numbers in Jordan, which provides sellers the opportunity to list products and services under a number of categories, and an opportunity for buyers to browse, search, and communicate with us to purchase the listed products or services.
Terms and conditions in these Terms of Use shall have the meanings assigned to each service means any product, services, content, features, technologies, or all smartphone websites, applications and related services that we provide to you.
Our Platforms: means the website, Magazine or other online property through which we provide our services. These Terms of Use define the agreement between you and RAQAMAK.
It states the use of our Platforms and the services we provide; These Terms of Use provide you with information about the terms we agree to provide and allow you to access and use our Platform.
Please print a copy of these Terms of Use and refer to them when you use our Platforms and Services / If you agree to be bound by these Terms of Use, continue to use our Platforms.
If you do not agree to these Terms of Use, you must refrain from using our Platforms and Services immediately.
We may make partial and/or complete modifications, updates, and/or modifications to the Terms of Use at any time, if any future modifications, future updates and/or future modifications are not acceptable to you, you must stop using our Platforms and Services.
Your continued use of our Platforms and Services currently or following the posting of any such modifications, updates and/or partial modifications shall be deemed to indicate your acceptance of these Terms and any such modifications, updates and/or partial modifications made thereto.
Terms of use:
Service description and content policy:
2.1 – The legal responsibilities and obligations of your number site are excluded or limited; You will face the risks, responsibilities and consequences.
Any rights you may have against RAQAMAK are limited or excluded.
The data contained in this article constitutes your confirmation of this, you must read these statements carefully and make sure that they are correct as you will not be able to deny the truth of these statements. There may be claims and rights for RAQAMAK site and/or other persons against you as a result of this data.
2.2 – RAQAMAK is a platform that allows its users who comply with these terms to offer, sell and buy the products listed on the platform. Although you may be able to make payments and other transactions through the Platform using third-party vendors, RAQAMAK platform is not in any way involved in such transactions, including, but not limited to, the payment of any applicable sales taxes or taxes.
As a result, and as set out in more detail in these Terms, you acknowledge and agree that your site is not a party to such transactions, has no control over any element of such transactions and, to the extent permitted by law, has no liability to any party, in connection with these transactions. RAQAMAK does not provide any warranty or guarantee and assumes no responsibility for any products or services listed sold or purchased and is not responsible for any returns, refunds or disputes arising between users of the platform. You use the Services and the Platform at your own risk and to the extent permitted by law.
2.3 – You understand that our site is not responsible for listings, advertisements, user-generated content, directory information, listed information from companies or businesses, and communications between users, including, but not limited to, emails, chats or other means Electronic communication, whether through the Platform or a third party platform (defined below), or offers, comments, user postings, files, photos, profile pictures, videos, sounds, information included from companies or businesses, directory information or any other materials available through the Platform and the Service (hereinafter referred to as “Content”), while using the Platform and the Service, you may be exposed to Content that is offensive, indecent, inaccurate, misleading or otherwise objectionable.
To the extent permitted by law, you are responsible for this and you must evaluate the use of any content and assume all risks associated with it. You are not entitled to rely on the said content, and in no way shall Raqamak be liable in any way for the content or for any loss and/or damage of any kind incurred as a result of browsing, searching, using or reading any content included or sent by e-mail or otherwise made available via the Service.
Raqmak is not obligated to pre-screen or approve any content, but Raqmak has the right, in its absolute and sole discretion, to refuse, delete or transfer any content that is or may be available through the Service for reasons related to violating these terms and Raqmak has been informed of this Violation or for any other reason or no reason at all.
In addition, on the Platform and in the Content available through the Platform, it may contain links to third-party websites (“Third-Party Platforms”) that are completely unrelated to RAQAMAK site.
If you link to third-party platforms, you may be subject to those platforms’ terms and conditions and/or other policies. As long as the law permits, our site will not make any representation or warranty regarding the accuracy or correctness of the information contained on any of these third-party platforms, and that your linking to any other websites is, to the extent permitted by law, at your own risk entirely.
2.4 – You are solely responsible for your content that you post, transmit through or link by the service, and for the consequences of posting, submitting, linking or including. More specifically, you are solely responsible for all Content that you upload, email or otherwise make available via the Service
With respect to such content posted on the Service, transmitted through it, or linked to via the Service, you affirm, represent, warrant and guarantee that:
However, by submitting any Content on the Platform, you hereby grant the Site an irrevocable, perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free or transferable license to use, reproduce, distribute, prepare derivative works, display and perform the Content in connection with the business of the Platform and RAQAMAK Site (and their affiliates and/or affiliates), Including without limitation for the purpose of promoting and redistributing part or all of the Platform and the content on it (and derivative works thereof) in any media and through any media channels now or hereafter known, these rights are required by RAQAMK site in order to host and display your content.
Furthermore, by posting Content to any area of the Service, you agree to and grant your site all rights necessary to prohibit or permit any collection, display, copying, reproduction, reproduction or exploitation of the Content on the Service or on the Platform by any party for any purpose that violates these Terms. These rights are perpetual and cannot be revoked, and will apply and may be exercised throughout the world. You also hereby grant a non-exclusive license to each User of the Platform to access Your Content through the System (this license does not include cases of automatic data collection or deletion and any other potential use for commercial purposes).
RAQAMAK Site does not allow copyright infringing activities and infringement of intellectual property rights on the Platform, and our Site has the right, in its sole discretion, to exclude any infringing content.
RAQAMAK reserves the right to exclude any content without prior notice, our site also has the right to terminate the user’s access to the platform. Additionally, in its sole discretion, Raqmak reserves the right to make a determination as to whether any Content is appropriate and compliant with these Terms.
2.5 – The following practices are prohibited on RAQAMAK site:
3. Value-added services and online purchases
3.1 – RAQAMAK offers a variety of value-added services where users can pay a non-refundable fee to publish their ads on selected sites on the platform, thus increasing the odds of seeing ads.
To purchase a paid advertising service, you may be required to submit certain information through a third-party service provider, a third-party platform, which may be subject to their own terms of use and other policies. RAQAMAK makes no representations or warranties regarding the safety or security of information transmitted to any third-party platform. Your association with any third-party platform is entirely at your own risk and your number site shall be free of all liability in connection therewith.
5. You agree not to post, email, host, display, upload, modify, publish, transfer, update or share any information on the Platform or otherwise make Content available: in violation of any law or regulation that is protected by copyright or patent invention, protected by a trade secret or a trademark, or otherwise subject to intellectual property or other proprietary rights of a third party, including rights of privacy and publicity, unless you are the owner of such rights or have permission or license from their rightful owner to post the material and to grant all the license rights granted hereunder; infringes any of the foregoing intellectual property rights of any party, or is content that you do not have the right to provide under any law, regulation, contractual or fiduciary relationship; be harmful, abusive, unlawful, threatening, harassing, blasphemous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, child sexual, defamatory, intrusive on the privacy or rights of others, hate, racist, or racially objectionable is defamatory/disparaging of others, is related to money laundering or gambling, is harmful to minors in any way or is illegal in any way; Content that harass, degrades, or intimidates any individual or group of individuals on the basis of religion, gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, age, or disability;
Violates any (local) laws of employment fairness, including but not limited to, those prohibited by reason of mention in an advertisement for employment, a preference or requirement for employment based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, or the applicant’s disability; that includes personal or identifiable information about another person without the express consent of that person; impersonate a person, person or entity, including without limitation, an employee of your number site or falsely state or misrepresent the affiliation of a person or entity; deceives or misleads the addressee about the source of such messages or transmits any information that is offensive or threatening in nature; False, deceptive or misleading content or fraudulent offers by soliciting customers;
Contents that constitute or contain “Network Marketing”, “Multi-Level Marketing”, “Ponzi and Pyramid Schemes”, “Affiliate Marketing”, “Referral Code Linking”, “Spam”, “Spam”, “String” messages”, or unsolicited advertisements of a commercial nature; that constitutes or includes any form of advertising or solicitation if
(1) it is posted in areas or categories of the Platform not designated for such purposes; or
(2) send an email to RAQAMAK users who have requested not to be contacted about services, products or other business interests;
which includes links to commercial services or third-party platforms except as specifically permitted by the Site. those that advertise any illegal services or sell any goods that are prohibited or restricted by applicable law, including but not limited to materials whose sale is prohibited or regulated by applicable law in your local jurisdiction; contains software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software, hardware, telecommunications equipment or any other computer resource; Those that disrupt the normal flow of dialogue with an excessive number of messages (flood attack) to the Service, or adversely affect the ability of other users to use the Service; or Content that uses misleading email addresses, forged headers or other identifiers that have been manipulated in order to disguise the origin of Content transmitted through the Service.
Additionally, you agree not to: contact any person who has requested not to be contacted, or make unsolicited contact with anyone for any commercial purpose, and in particular, contact any user to post an advertisement on a third-party platform or post any advertisement on behalf of this the user; ‘stalk’ or harass any person; make defamatory comments or postings to any person or against any person; collect personal data about other users or other entities for commercial or illegal purposes; Use automated means, including spiders, robots, crawlers, data mining tools, or the like to upload or delete data from the Service, except for Internet search engines (for example, Google) and non-commercial public archives (for example archive. org) that are compatible with our robots.txt file; post content outside of the local area or not related to the local area, repeatedly post the same or similar content, or impose unreasonably or disproportionately large loads on our site servers and other infrastructure; Post the same material or service in multiple categories or forums, or in multiple regions, cities and/or neighborhoods;
Attempt to gain unauthorized access to computer systems owned or controlled by our site or engage in any activity that disrupts, lowers the quality, interferes with its performance or impairs its functionality; The use of any form of automated device or computer program (sometimes referred to as “tagging tools”) that enables the use of your number tagging system or other community control system without each flag being entered manually by human intervention who initiates the flag (“automated marking device”),
Use any such tagging tool to remove Posts from competitors, other third parties or to remove Posts without the reasonable good faith that Posting is being flagged in violation of these Terms or any applicable law or regulations; Use of any automated device or software that enables automatic posting on your number site without human intervention or authorship (“automated posting device”) including, without limitation, the use of any automated posting device in connection with bulk Postings or the automatic submission of Posts at certain times or periods of time; or any content you upload is subject to relevant laws and may be disabled or deleted and/or may be investigated under appropriate laws.
Furthermore, if it is found that, in the event of non-compliance with the laws and regulations, these terms or the privacy policy of the platform, RAQAMAK has the right to suspend your account and/or ban your access to our platforms or services and your number site reserves the right to remove any incompatible content uploaded by you Without any prior notice, your number will not be held responsible in any way whatsoever.
6. Paid promotions RAQAMAK may charge a fee to publish content for some services. Fees allow certain content to be posted in a specific area of the Platform. Each party that posts Content on the Platform or Service is responsible for said Content and compliance with the Terms. Any fees paid under this Agreement are non-refundable if any Content is removed from the Service for violating these Terms.
7. Notification of Claims of Violations is not responsible for any infringement of copyright and/or any other intellectual property rights, arising from materials posted on or transmitted through the platform, or materials advertised on the platform by users or any other third party. If you are the owner of the intellectual property rights or an agent who is fully authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the intellectual property rights and believe that any content infringes the intellectual property right or intellectual property right of the owner on whose behalf you are acting, you may send a notice to the site to delete the relevant content in good faith. The cooperation of your number shall not be considered in any way as an admission of its responsibility, in whole or in part.
For any such infringement and the notice and request shall contain the following information: a physical or electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed; identification of the intellectual property rights that are allegedly infringed, or, if multiple intellectual property rights in a single Internet site are covered by a single notice, a representative list of such works at that site; Identification of the content (by data link or connection, post ID, listing ID etc.) that is allegedly infringing or subject to infringing activity and which will be removed or access to be disabled and information reasonably sufficient to allow the location of your number to locate the material; Information reasonably sufficient to allow your number site to contact you, such as address, phone number, and email address if available
a signed statement that you have a good belief that use of the materials in the manner complained of is not authorized by the intellectual property rights owner, its agent, or the law; a signed statement that the intellectual property owner releases RAQAMAK from liability for any claim of a third party in connection with the removal of the relevant content by the site; and a signed statement that the information in the notification is accurate and under penalty of perjury that you are authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed. Notifications should be sent to your number location via the Help Center or the Contact Us section.
8. No Spam Policy This material has important legal consequences for you. In this article, you bear the risks, responsibilities and accountability. This may result in you being penalized under applicable criminal laws and/or becoming financially liable to Raqamak site and/or other persons for additional amounts. You understand and agree that sending unsolicited email advertisements or other unsolicited communications to Site users or email addresses or through Raqamak site’s computer systems is expressly prohibited by these Terms.
You acknowledge and agree that the Site may monitor usage from time to time by using human monitors or automated software to flag certain words associated with spam or user-to-user scams in the Site’s systems, services, and platforms; this is in the public or private sector. Communication between you and another user is carried out using the communication features available on the Service and the Platform and may only be used in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. Any unauthorized use of your number’s computer systems is a violation of these Terms and certain applicable laws, in particular, without limitation, the cybercrime laws of any applicable law.
The sender of these violations or their agents may be subject to civil and criminal penalties. Please note that the cybercrime law carries heavy penalties including imprisonment. In the event that you intend to request or contact our users by obtaining any information, email or phone numbers from our platform, we may report this behavior to the relevant authorities, who will then decide to prosecute you under the relevant country laws.
9. Limitation and termination of service this article has important legal consequences for you. In this article:
You acknowledge and agree that our site has the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, (but not the obligation) to delete or deactivate your account, block your email or IP address, or terminate your access to or use of the Service (or any part of it) immediately and without notice and disable or discontinue any Value-Added Services (“VAS”) and Online Purchases, and remove and discard any Content within the Service with or without cause. Further, and to the extent permitted by law, you agree that Raqamak will not be liable to you or any third party for any termination of your access to the Platform or the Services.
10. Ability to accept these terms of service This platform is intended for adults only and that you are eligible to contract in accordance with applicable laws. If you use and/or access this Platform as a representative of any person/entity, you represent that you are legally authorized to represent that person/or entity. Minors are allowed to access the Platform and use the Service if their legal representatives consent or if it is a business or transaction that is normal and acceptable in civil life and practice. Confirm that you are at least 18 years of age, or an emancipated minor, or you have the legal consent of a parent or guardian, and you are fully able and qualified to enter into, and to be bound by, and comply with, the terms, conditions, obligations, representations, agreements and warranties set forth in these Terms.
If you are a minor and wish to contact us, you can only do so through your parent or legal guardian.
11. Referral You are not entitled to transfer or assign these Terms and any rights and licenses granted under this Agreement, but they may be transferred by Raqamak site without restrictions. Any transfer or assignment made by you is null and void.
12. Disclaimer of warranties in this article:
– the legal responsibilities and consequences of raqamak site are limited or excluded.
– the rights or remedies you may have against the site are limited or excluded;
Bear the risks, responsibilities and consequences. There are things that may go wrong when using the platform and/or the service, including what is listed in this material.
Raqamak is not responsible for any error that occurs, including but not limited to what is included in this material.
You use the platform and the service with the knowledge and acceptance that these matters may go wrong and that there are risks. To the extent permitted by law, you expressly acknowledge and agree that use of the platform and the service is entirely at your own risk and that the platform and service are provided on an “as is” or “as available” basis, without warranties of any kind. All express and implied warranties, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement of title, are expressly disclaimed to the fullest extent permitted by law.
To the fullest extent permitted by law, the site and its officers, employees and agents disclaim all warranties, express and implied, in connection with the Platform and your use of it. Raqamak makes no warranties or representations about the accuracy or completeness of the Platform Content or the content of any third-party platforms linked to the Platform and has no responsibility or liability for any
(1) Errors or inaccuracies in the Content or
(2) Personal injury or property damage in any way. their nature is caused by your access to and use of the Platform and the Service
(3) Any unauthorized access to or use of Raqamak site servers and/or any and all personal and/or financial information stored therein,
(4) Any interruption or discontinuation of transmission to or from the Platform
(5) Any bugs, viruses, trojans or the like transmitted to or through the Platform by any third party, and/or
(6) Any errors or operations omission of any Content or for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use of any Content posted, submitted, emailed, transmitted, transmitted or otherwise made available via the Platform or Service.
Raqamak does not warrant, endorse, or be responsible for any product or service advertised or offered by a third party through the Platform or any associated platform or featured in any logo or other advertisements.
Raqamak will not be a party to any transaction or in any way responsible for monitoring any transaction between you and other users and/or providers of third-party products or services, as with purchases of a product or service through any medium or in any environment, you must use your best judgment and exercise caution. and to the extent permitted by law.
In no event shall Raqamak, its directors, employees or agents be liable for direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or exemplary damages (even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages) resulting from any aspect of your use of the Platform or Service, including without limitation, whether damages are caused by use or misuse of the Platform or Service, inability to use the Platform or Service, interruption, suspension, modification, alteration or termination of the Platform or Service;
(7) Errors or inaccuracies of content
(5) Personal or property damage resulting from your access to and use of the Platform and the Service
(6) Any unauthorized access to our servers and/or any personal and/or financial information stored in that Platform and/or the financial information stored therein
(7) Any interruption or cessation of transmission from or from the Platform
(8) Any bugs, viruses, trojans or the like that may be transmitted to or through the Platform by any third party.
(9) Any error or omission in any content,
(10) Any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use of any Content posted, emailed, transmitted or otherwise made available through the Platform or the Service. The limitation of liability also applies to damages incurred due to services or other products received through or advertised on the Platform, the Service or any links on the Platform, as well as due to any information, opinions or advice received through or announced in connection with the to the Platform, the Service, or any links on RAQAMAK site.
These restrictions apply to the fullest extent permitted by law. You acknowledge and agree, to the extent permitted by law, specifically that our site will not be liable for User Submissions or the defamatory, harmful or unlawful conduct of any user or third party and that the risk of harm or damage from the foregoing rests entirely with the User. Raqamak makes no representations or warranties that the Platform is suitable for use in other locations. Those who access or use the Platform from other jurisdictions do so voluntarily and at risk, and are responsible for compliance with the law.
13. Limitation of liability neither the site nor its directors, employees or agents shall be liable for direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or exemplary damages (even if the site has been advised of the possibility of such damages) arising from any aspect of your use of the platform or Service, including without limitation, whether damages arise from use or misuse of the Platform or Service, inability to use the Platform or Service, interruption, suspension, modification, alteration or termination of the Platform or Service. This limitation of liability applies in connection with damages caused by other services or products received through or advertised in connection with the Platform, the Service or any links on the Platform;
as well as for any information, opinions or advice received through or announced in connection with the Platform, the Service, or any links on the Site. These restrictions apply to the fullest extent permitted by law. You specifically acknowledge and agree that Raqamak will not be liable for User Submissions or the defamatory, abusive or illegal conduct of any user or third party and that the risk of damages or harm resulting from the foregoing rests entirely with you.
You will indemnify us and waive any reasonable legal claim, demand or fee by any third party arising out of or arising out of your breach of these Terms of Use, including any claim against us for intellectual property, your improper use of our Platform, or your violation of any law or rights of a third party.
14. Accepting the Terms of Use You acknowledge that you have read the Terms of Use and agree to all terms and conditions. By accessing and using our Platforms and Services, you agree to be bound by the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. If you do not agree to be bound by the terms in these terms, terms of use, privacy policy, and other policies, you are not authorized to access or use our platforms and services.
15.1 – You agree that in connection with any filing of any claim or dispute at law or equity that has arisen, or may arise, between you and your site (or any related third party) and which is in any way related to the Terms, any dispute will be resolved in accordance with the laws of England and Wales without regard to principles of conflict of laws.
15.2 – You agree that any and all disputes or claims that have arisen, or may arise, between you and your website (or any related third party) are in any way related to or arising out of these Terms or your use of or access to our Platforms or Services, or the procedures of Raqamak site or its agents, or any products or services sold, offered or purchased through our services, such dispute will be resolved exclusively through final and binding arbitration, rather than resorting to the courts.
The arbitration will be conducted under the DIFC-LCIA Arbitration Rules as amended from time to time upon notice to the other party. The number of arbitrators shall be one, selected and appointed in accordance with the arbitration rules of the DIFC-LCIA. The seat of arbitration shall be in the Dubai International Financial Centre. The language used in the arbitration proceedings is English.
15.3 – If any provision of the Terms is invalid, void or unenforceable for any reason, that provision shall be void and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions.
15.4 – The headings in these Terms are for reference purposes only and do not limit the scope or extent of such material. Our failure to act with respect to a breach by you or others does not waive our right to act with respect to subsequent or similar breaches. We do not guarantee that we will take action against all violations of the Terms.
15.5 – The terms, conditions, and policies posted through our Services set forth the entire understanding and agreement between you and RAQAMAK, and supersede all prior understandings and agreements of the parties.
15.6 – The following provisions will survive termination of these Terms; conduct and disclaimer of warranties, limitations of liability and disclaimer
خدمات الاستبدال و الترجيع عبر الموقع
3-1 يقدم موقع رقمك مجموعة متنوعة من خدمات القيمة المضافة حيث يمكن للمستخدمين دفع رسوم غير قابلة للاسترداد لنشر إعلاناتهم في مواقع مختارة على المنصة، وبالتالي مما يزيد من احتمالات مشاهدة الإعلانات. لشراء خدمة إعلانات مدفوعة الأجر، قد يطلب منك إرسال معلومات معينة من خلال مزود خدمة طرف ثالث، وهو منصة طرف ثالث، والتي قد تخضع لشروط الاستخدام وسياسات أخرى خاصة بها. لا يقدم موقع رقمك أي تعهدات أو ضمانات فيما يتعلق بسلامة أو أمن المعلومات المرسلة إلى أي منصة تابعة لطرف ثالث. تتحمل لوحدك ارتباطك بأي منصة تابعة لطرف ثالث على مسؤوليتك الخاصة بالكامل ويتبرأ موقع رقمك من جميع التبعات المتعلقة بذلك.
3-2 يقدم موقع رقمك مجموعة متنوعة أخرى من الخدمات والمنتجات المدفوعة الأجر حيث يمكن للمستخدمين دفع رسوم غير قابلة للاسترداد لنشر عدد أكبر من الإعلانات أو إيقاف الإعلانات أو أي نوع آخر من الخدمات كما هو موضح عند الشراء على المنصة. من أجل شراء أي منتج أو خدمة مدفوعة الأجر، ربما يطلب منك إرسال معلومات معينة من خلال مزود خدمة طرف ثالث، منصة طرف ثالث، والتي قد تخضع لشروط الاستخدام وسياسات أخرى خاصة بها. لا تقدم منصة رقمك أي تعهدات أو ضمان فيما يتعلق بسلامة أو أمن المعلومات المرسلة إلى أي منصة طرف ثالث، كما أن ارتباطك بأي منصة تابعة لطرف ثالث يقع على مسؤوليتك الخاصة بالكامل ويتبرأ موقع رقمك جميع التبعات المتعلقة بذلك
4- محفظة منصة رقمك هي نظام مسبق الدفع يستخدم على منصة رقمك يسمح للمستخدمين المسجلين بشراء رصيد أو نقاط التي يمكن استخدامها لشراء الخدمات أو المنتجات التي يقدمها موقع رقمك. لا يحق استبدال الرصيد أو النقاط داخل محفظة منصة رقمك مقابل المال ولا تحقق فوائد أو أرباح ولا يمكن استردادها. تنتهي صلاحية الرصيد أو النقاط التي تم شراؤها تلقائيا بعد سنة واحدة من تاريخ الشراء إذا لم يتم استخدامها وتعتبر موافقاً على ذلك وموافقا على أن: المستخدمون المسجلون فقط هم المؤهلون لشراء الرصيد واستخدام محفظة منصة رقمك.
جميع عمليات شراء الرصيد في محفظة منصة رقمك نهائية ولا رجعة فيها ولا يحق استردادها. يحتفظ موقع رقمك بالحق في إيقاف بيع الأرصدة لمحفظة منصة رقمك و/أو تغيير التكلفة، وكذلك الطريقة التي يمكن للمستخدم المسجل شراء أو تخزين و/أو استخدام رصيد محفظة منصة رقمك وفقا لتقدير منصة رقمك لوحده. يمكن أن تصل عمولة سعر التحويل إلى نسبة 6% يحق إضافتها على الدفعات عبر الإنترنت ولتحويل العملة المحلية من العملة الأساسية وهي الدولار الأمريكي. والخدمات من موقع رقمك أو أي خدمات أخرى
قد تكون متاحة في المستقبل. لا يحق للمستخدمين المسجلين استخدام رصيد محفظة منصة رقمك لشراء المنتجات والخدمات التي لا يقدمها موقع رقمك أو لشراء مواد أو خدمات يتم نشرها من قبل مستخدمين آخرين على موقع رقمك. لا يحق للمستخدم المسجل تحويل رصيد محفظة منصة رقمك إلى مستخدم آخر على موقع رقمك.
تنتهي صلاحية رصيد محفظة منصة رقمك بعد عام واحد من تاريخ الشراء. بمجرد أن يصبح حساب المستخدم غير فعال أو يتم إلغاء تنشيطه أو إنهاءه بطريقة أخرى، يتم مصادرة جميع أرصدة محفظة منصة رقمك تلقائياً، إن وجدت. تحتفظ منصة رقمك بالحق في مصادرة أي رصيد في محفظة منصة رقمك الذي يُعتقد أنه تم شراؤه أو حيازته بشكل مباشر أو غير مباشر من خلال وسائل احتيالية أو غير قانونية دون الحاجة إلى تقديم إشعار ولا يكون موقع رقمك مسؤولاً بأي شكل من الأشكال.
في حال تم دفع عربون، لا ترد ولكن تستبدل عن طريق التواصل مع موقع رقمك.
في حال تم دفع المبلغ كاملا، يستبدل ولا يرد في حال ابدا الطرف الثاني رغبته في الغاء عملية الشراء او استبدال الرقم برقم اخر
إذا كان موقع رقمك يعتقد أو لديه دليل معقول على أن المستخدم قد انتهك أي من هذه القواعد أو شروط الاستخدام الأخرى أو سياسة الخصوصية، يحق لموقع رقمك القيام بما يلي: (أ) حظر استخدام رصيد محفظة منصة رقمك الخاصة بالمستخدم؛ و/أو (ب) حذف و/أو تعديل القائمة والإعلانات المدفوعة و/أو المنشورات دون الحاجة إلى تقديم أي إشعار مسبق. باستخدام محفظة منصة رقمك، فإنك توافق على: يحق لموقع رقمك، وفي أي وقت ودون إشعار مسبق، تحديث وتغيير و/أو إيقاف جزئيا أو كليا ل (1) أي من محتوياتها أو خدماتها، بما في ذلك محفظة منصة رقمك؛ و (2) هذه الشروط والأحكام. يكون أي تحديث أو تغيير أو إنهاء نافذ المفعول فور نشره أو تنفيذه على أي منصة أو خدمة.
يحتفظ موقع رقمك بحقه المطلق في مراقبة وإزالة وإدارة وتعديل و/أو تنظيم محفظة منصة رقمك ومحتوياتها وخدماتها والتكنولوجيا والمنصة وجميع المسائل ذات الصلة كما يراه مناسبا وفق تقديره لوحده ولا يتحمل موقع رقمك أية مسؤولية على الإطلاق عند ممارسة هذه الحقوق.
Raqamak offers a variety of other paid services and products where users can pay a non-refundable fee to post more ads, stop ads or any other type of services as indicated when purchasing on the platform. In order to purchase any paid product or service, you may be required to submit certain information through a third-party service provider, third party platform, which may be subject to their own terms of use and other policies.
Raqmak platform does not make any representations or guarantees regarding the safety or security of the information transmitted to any third-party platform, and your association with any third-party platform is entirely at your own risk and Raqamak site disclaims all liability related to that.
4.2 – RAQAMAK Portal Wallet is a prepaid system used on your Raqamak platform that allows registered users to purchase credit or points that can be used to purchase services or products offered by your Raqamak website. It is not entitled to exchange the balance or points within the wallet of your number platform for money and does not earn interest or profits and cannot be redeemed. The credit or points purchased automatically expire after one year from the date of purchase if they have not been used and you are considered to agree to this and agree that: Only registered users are eligible to purchase the credit and use your number platform wallet.
All credit purchases in your Raqamak platform wallet are final, irrevocable and not eligible for refund. Raqamak reserves the right to stop the sale of balances for the Raqamak platform wallet and/or change the cost, as well as the manner in which the registered user can purchase, store and/or use the balance of the Raqamak platform wallet at the sole discretion of the Raqamak platform. The conversion rate commission can be up to 6% which can be added to online payments and to convert the local currency from the base currency which is the US dollar. And services from your number site or any other services
May be available in the future. Registered users are not entitled to use your Raqmak platform wallet balance to purchase products and services that are not offered by Raqmak site or to purchase materials or services posted by other users on Raqmak site. The registered user is not entitled to transfer the balance of the wallet of your number to another user on the site of RAQAMAK.
RAQAMAK platform wallet balance expires after one year from the date of purchase. Once a user account becomes inactive, deactivated or otherwise terminated, all RAQAMAK platform wallet balances, if any, are automatically forfeited. RAQAMAK Platform reserves the right to confiscate any balance in RAQAMAK Number Wallet that is believed to have been purchased or possessed directly or indirectly through fraudulent or illegal means without the need to provide notice and the RAQAMAK site is not responsible in any way.
If RAQAMAK site believes or has reasonable evidence that a user has violated any of these rules, other terms of use or the privacy policy,
RAQAMAK site has the right to:
(a) prohibit the use of your user’s platform wallet balance; and/or
(b) delete and/or modify the listing, paid advertisements and/or publications without the need to provide any prior notice.
By using your Raqmak wallet, you agree to: has the right, at any time and without prior notice, to update, change and/or discontinue partially or completely
(1) any of its content or services, including the Raqmak wallet; and
(2) these terms and conditions. Any update, change or termination shall be effective immediately upon posting or implementation on any Platform or Service.
Raqamak reserves the absolute right to monitor, remove, manage, modify and/or regulate the Raqamak platform wallet, its contents, services, technology, the platform and all related matters as it deems appropriate in its sole discretion and Raqamak bears no responsibility whatsoever in exercising these rights. has the right to conduct an audit of the user’s Raqamak platform wallet account in order to investigate system errors or confirm any reported or potential violation of these Terms and Conditions or any of Raqmak’s policies, rules and regulations
Any Down payment is not refundable under any circumstances but can be re-used after contacting Raqamak site
Any full payment done, is not refundable but can be exchanged in case the second party changed his will of buying any number or to replace it with another
Any dispute relating to the Raqmak platform wallet must be reported to within twenty-four (24) hours from the time the problem was discovered by the user. The user irrevocably waives all claims against your number site.
تتم جميع معاملات نقل الملكية
بوجود كل من الأطراف (البائع – المشتري – كاتب العدل)
(البائع – المشتري) وبذلك تتم عملية البيع
Waiving transaction
With both parties available (Buyer – Seller – Notary)
With both parties available as well so the buying process can be done
The buying process is done with both parties available the telecommunication company the number referred to
خدمات الاستبدال و الترجيع عبر الموقع
3-1 يقدم موقع رقمك مجموعة متنوعة من خدمات القيمة المضافة حيث يمكن للمستخدمين دفع رسوم غير قابلة للاسترداد لنشر إعلاناتهم في مواقع مختارة على المنصة، وبالتالي مما يزيد من احتمالات مشاهدة الإعلانات. لشراء خدمة إعلانات مدفوعة الأجر، قد يطلب منك إرسال معلومات معينة من خلال مزود خدمة طرف ثالث، وهو منصة طرف ثالث، والتي قد تخضع لشروط الاستخدام وسياسات أخرى خاصة بها. لا يقدم موقع رقمك أي تعهدات أو ضمانات فيما يتعلق بسلامة أو أمن المعلومات المرسلة إلى أي منصة تابعة لطرف ثالث. تتحمل لوحدك ارتباطك بأي منصة تابعة لطرف ثالث على مسؤوليتك الخاصة بالكامل ويتبرأ موقع رقمك من جميع التبعات المتعلقة بذلك.
3-2 يقدم موقع رقمك مجموعة متنوعة أخرى من الخدمات والمنتجات المدفوعة الأجر حيث يمكن للمستخدمين دفع رسوم غير قابلة للاسترداد لنشر عدد أكبر من الإعلانات أو إيقاف الإعلانات أو أي نوع آخر من الخدمات كما هو موضح عند الشراء على المنصة. من أجل شراء أي منتج أو خدمة مدفوعة الأجر، ربما يطلب منك إرسال معلومات معينة من خلال مزود خدمة طرف ثالث، منصة طرف ثالث، والتي قد تخضع لشروط الاستخدام وسياسات أخرى خاصة بها. لا تقدم منصة رقمك أي تعهدات أو ضمان فيما يتعلق بسلامة أو أمن المعلومات المرسلة إلى أي منصة طرف ثالث، كما أن ارتباطك بأي منصة تابعة لطرف ثالث يقع على مسؤوليتك الخاصة بالكامل ويتبرأ موقع رقمك جميع التبعات المتعلقة بذلك
4- محفظة منصة رقمك هي نظام مسبق الدفع يستخدم على منصة رقمك يسمح للمستخدمين المسجلين بشراء رصيد أو نقاط التي يمكن استخدامها لشراء الخدمات أو المنتجات التي يقدمها موقع رقمك. لا يحق استبدال الرصيد أو النقاط داخل محفظة منصة رقمك مقابل المال ولا تحقق فوائد أو أرباح ولا يمكن استردادها. تنتهي صلاحية الرصيد أو النقاط التي تم شراؤها تلقائيا بعد سنة واحدة من تاريخ الشراء إذا لم يتم استخدامها وتعتبر موافقاً على ذلك وموافقا على أن: المستخدمون المسجلون فقط هم المؤهلون لشراء الرصيد واستخدام محفظة منصة رقمك.
جميع عمليات شراء الرصيد في محفظة منصة رقمك نهائية ولا رجعة فيها ولا يحق استردادها. يحتفظ موقع رقمك بالحق في إيقاف بيع الأرصدة لمحفظة منصة رقمك و/أو تغيير التكلفة، وكذلك الطريقة التي يمكن للمستخدم المسجل شراء أو تخزين و/أو استخدام رصيد محفظة منصة رقمك وفقا لتقدير منصة رقمك لوحده. يمكن أن تصل عمولة سعر التحويل إلى نسبة 6% يحق إضافتها على الدفعات عبر الإنترنت ولتحويل العملة المحلية من العملة الأساسية وهي الدولار الأمريكي. والخدمات من موقع رقمك أو أي خدمات أخرى
قد تكون متاحة في المستقبل. لا يحق للمستخدمين المسجلين استخدام رصيد محفظة منصة رقمك لشراء المنتجات والخدمات التي لا يقدمها موقع رقمك أو لشراء مواد أو خدمات يتم نشرها من قبل مستخدمين آخرين على موقع رقمك. لا يحق للمستخدم المسجل تحويل رصيد محفظة منصة رقمك إلى مستخدم آخر على موقع رقمك.
تنتهي صلاحية رصيد محفظة منصة رقمك بعد عام واحد من تاريخ الشراء. بمجرد أن يصبح حساب المستخدم غير فعال أو يتم إلغاء تنشيطه أو إنهاءه بطريقة أخرى، يتم مصادرة جميع أرصدة محفظة منصة رقمك تلقائياً، إن وجدت. تحتفظ منصة رقمك بالحق في مصادرة أي رصيد في محفظة منصة رقمك الذي يُعتقد أنه تم شراؤه أو حيازته بشكل مباشر أو غير مباشر من خلال وسائل احتيالية أو غير قانونية دون الحاجة إلى تقديم إشعار ولا يكون موقع رقمك مسؤولاً بأي شكل من الأشكال.
في حال تم دفع عربون، لا ترد ولكن تستبدل عن طريق التواصل مع موقع رقمك.
في حال تم دفع المبلغ كاملا، يستبدل ولا يرد في حال ابدا الطرف الثاني رغبته في الغاء عملية الشراء او استبدال الرقم برقم اخر
إذا كان موقع رقمك يعتقد أو لديه دليل معقول على أن المستخدم قد انتهك أي من هذه القواعد أو شروط الاستخدام الأخرى أو سياسة الخصوصية، يحق لموقع رقمك القيام بما يلي: (أ) حظر استخدام رصيد محفظة منصة رقمك الخاصة بالمستخدم؛ و/أو (ب) حذف و/أو تعديل القائمة والإعلانات المدفوعة و/أو المنشورات دون الحاجة إلى تقديم أي إشعار مسبق. باستخدام محفظة منصة رقمك، فإنك توافق على: يحق لموقع رقمك، وفي أي وقت ودون إشعار مسبق، تحديث وتغيير و/أو إيقاف جزئيا أو كليا ل (1) أي من محتوياتها أو خدماتها، بما في ذلك محفظة منصة رقمك؛ و (2) هذه الشروط والأحكام. يكون أي تحديث أو تغيير أو إنهاء نافذ المفعول فور نشره أو تنفيذه على أي منصة أو خدمة.
يحتفظ موقع رقمك بحقه المطلق في مراقبة وإزالة وإدارة وتعديل و/أو تنظيم محفظة منصة رقمك ومحتوياتها وخدماتها والتكنولوجيا والمنصة وجميع المسائل ذات الصلة كما يراه مناسبا وفق تقديره لوحده ولا يتحمل موقع رقمك أية مسؤولية على الإطلاق عند ممارسة هذه الحقوق.
Raqamak offers a variety of other paid services and products where users can pay a non-refundable fee to post more ads, stop ads or any other type of services as indicated when purchasing on the platform. In order to purchase any paid product or service, you may be required to submit certain information through a third-party service provider, third party platform, which may be subject to their own terms of use and other policies.
Raqmak platform does not make any representations or guarantees regarding the safety or security of the information transmitted to any third-party platform, and your association with any third-party platform is entirely at your own risk and Raqamak site disclaims all liability related to that.
4.2 – RAQAMAK Portal Wallet is a prepaid system used on your Raqamak platform that allows registered users to purchase credit or points that can be used to purchase services or products offered by your Raqamak website. It is not entitled to exchange the balance or points within the wallet of your number platform for money and does not earn interest or profits and cannot be redeemed. The credit or points purchased automatically expire after one year from the date of purchase if they have not been used and you are considered to agree to this and agree that: Only registered users are eligible to purchase the credit and use your number platform wallet.
All credit purchases in your Raqamak platform wallet are final, irrevocable and not eligible for refund. Raqamak reserves the right to stop the sale of balances for the Raqamak platform wallet and/or change the cost, as well as the manner in which the registered user can purchase, store and/or use the balance of the Raqamak platform wallet at the sole discretion of the Raqamak platform. The conversion rate commission can be up to 6% which can be added to online payments and to convert the local currency from the base currency which is the US dollar. And services from your number site or any other services
May be available in the future. Registered users are not entitled to use your Raqmak platform wallet balance to purchase products and services that are not offered by Raqmak site or to purchase materials or services posted by other users on Raqmak site. The registered user is not entitled to transfer the balance of the wallet of your number to another user on the site of RAQAMAK.
RAQAMAK platform wallet balance expires after one year from the date of purchase. Once a user account becomes inactive, deactivated or otherwise terminated, all RAQAMAK platform wallet balances, if any, are automatically forfeited. RAQAMAK Platform reserves the right to confiscate any balance in RAQAMAK Number Wallet that is believed to have been purchased or possessed directly or indirectly through fraudulent or illegal means without the need to provide notice and the RAQAMAK site is not responsible in any way.
If RAQAMAK site believes or has reasonable evidence that a user has violated any of these rules, other terms of use or the privacy policy,
RAQAMAK site has the right to:
(a) prohibit the use of your user’s platform wallet balance; and/or
(b) delete and/or modify the listing, paid advertisements and/or publications without the need to provide any prior notice.
By using your Raqmak wallet, you agree to: has the right, at any time and without prior notice, to update, change and/or discontinue partially or completely
(1) any of its content or services, including the Raqmak wallet; and
(2) these terms and conditions. Any update, change or termination shall be effective immediately upon posting or implementation on any Platform or Service.
Raqamak reserves the absolute right to monitor, remove, manage, modify and/or regulate the Raqamak platform wallet, its contents, services, technology, the platform and all related matters as it deems appropriate in its sole discretion and Raqamak bears no responsibility whatsoever in exercising these rights. has the right to conduct an audit of the user’s Raqamak platform wallet account in order to investigate system errors or confirm any reported or potential violation of these Terms and Conditions or any of Raqmak’s policies, rules and regulations
Any Down payment is not refundable under any circumstances but can be re-used after contacting Raqamak site
Any full payment done, is not refundable but can be exchanged in case the second party changed his will of buying any number or to replace it with another
Any dispute relating to the Raqmak platform wallet must be reported to within twenty-four (24) hours from the time the problem was discovered by the user. The user irrevocably waives all claims against your number site.